Chuẩn hóa Min-Max
Chuẩn hóa zScore
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import argparse import pandas as pd import math def status(message): print(message) def convert_number(data): return data.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') def max_data(data): return data.max() def min_data(data): return data.min() def mean_data(data): return data.mean() def std_data(data): return data.std() def mode_data(data, prop): return data.mode()[prop][0] def sort_data(prop, data): data.sort_values(by=[prop], inplace = True) return data def set_index_data(prop, data): data.index= data[prop] data.drop(prop, axis=1, inplace=True) return data def min_max(prop, data): status("Min-max normalizing {"+prop+"} ...") data[prop] = convert_number(data[prop]) maxProp = max_data(data[prop]) minProp = min_data(data[prop]) for index, row in data.iterrows(): data.loc[index, prop] = (row[prop]-minProp)/(maxProp-minProp) return data def z_score(prop, data): status("Z-score normalizing {"+prop+"} ...") data[prop] = convert_number(data[prop]) meanProp = mean_data(data[prop]) sdProp = std_data(data[prop]) for index, row in data.iterrows(): data.loc[index, prop] = (row[prop]-meanProp)/sdProp return data def equal_depth(prop, data, bins): status("Equal depth binning {"+prop+"} "+str(bins)+" bins...") if bins > 0: data['new'] = data.index data = sort_data(prop, data) data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace = True) length = data[prop].count() n = math.ceil(length/bins) for i in range(0, bins): j = (i+1)*n for index, row in data.loc[i*n:j-1].iterrows(): data.loc[index, prop] = "B" + str(i+1) data = sort_data('new', data) data = set_index_data('new', data) return data def equal_width(prop, data, bins): status("Equal width binning {"+prop+"} "+str(bins)+" bins...") if bins > 0: data[prop] = convert_number(data[prop]) length = data[prop].count() maxProp = max_data(data[prop]) minProp = min_data(data[prop]) w = round((maxProp - minProp) / bins, 1) arr = [] for i in range(0, bins): arr.append(round(minProp + w * (i+1), 1)) for index, row in data.iterrows(): for i in range(0, bins): if i >= bins-2: data.loc[index, prop] = "(" + str(arr[i]) + "-inf)" break else: if row[prop] > arr[i] and row[prop] <= arr[i+1]: data.loc[index, prop] = "(" + str(arr[i]) + "-" + str(arr[i+1]) + "]" break elif row[prop] <= arr[i]: data.loc[index, prop] = "(-inf-" + str(arr[i]) + "]" break return data def remove_missing(prop, data): status("Removing missing {"+prop+"} ...") count = 0 for index, row in data.iterrows(): if pd.isna(row[prop]) or row[prop] == "nan" or row[prop] == "NaN" or row[prop] == "" or row[prop] == "?": data.drop(index, inplace=True) count += 1 print("Remove", count, "instance missing values") return data def fill_missing(prop, data): status("Filling missing {"+prop+"} ...") try: newData = mean_data(data[prop]) except: newData = mode_data(data, prop) count = 0 for index, row in data.iterrows(): if pd.isna(row[prop]) or row[prop] == "nan" or row[prop] == "NaN" or row[prop] == "" or row[prop] == "?": data.loc[index, prop] = newData count += 1 print("Fill", count, "missing values") return data def read_file(path): status("Reading file ...") try: reader = pd.read_csv(path) return reader except: print("File not found!") def write_file(path, data): status("Writing file ...") try: data.to_csv(path, index=False) except: print("Cannot write a file!") def action(task, props, data, option): for prop in props: if prop in data.columns: if task == 'minMax': min_max(prop, data) elif task == 'zScore': z_score(prop, data) elif task == 'equalWidth': equal_width(prop, data, option) elif task == 'equalDepth': equal_depth(prop, data, option) elif task == 'removeMissing': remove_missing(prop, data) elif task == 'fillMissing': fill_missing(prop, data) return data def main(args): data = read_file(args.input) if data is not None: data = action(args.task, list(args.prop.split(",")), data, args.bin) write_file(args.output, data) status("Finish!") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Preprocess data') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='input file path') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='output file path') parser.add_argument('-t', '--task', choices=['minMax','zScore', 'equalWidth', 'equalDepth', 'removeMissing', 'fillMissing'], help='process something') parser.add_argument('-p', '--prop', help='property list. ex: age,weight') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bin', type=int, help='number of bins') args = parser.parse_args() main(args) |
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import argparse import pandas as pd import math def status(message): print(message) def remove_empty(data): status("Removing empty instance ...") colList = ['name', 'longName', 'foundingDate', 'population', 'capital', 'largestCity', 'area'] data.dropna(subset=colList, how='all', inplace=True) return data def remove_duplicate(data): status("Removing duplicate ...") colList = ['name', 'longName', 'foundingDate', 'population', 'capital', 'largestCity', 'area'] for x in colList: data = data[(~data[x].duplicated()) | data[x].isna()] return data def convert_area(data): status("Converting area ...") for index, row in data.iterrows(): if pd.notna(row['area']) and row['area'] != "nan" and row['area'] != "NaN" and row['area'] != "" and row['area'] != "?": col = str(row['area']) col = col.replace('or ', '') col = col.replace(',', '') if "mi" in col: col = col.replace('mi', '') data.loc[index, "area"] = str(round(float(col)/0.38610)) + "km" return data def remove_missing(prop, data): status("Removing missing {"+prop+"} ...") count = 0 for index, row in data.iterrows(): if pd.isna(row[prop]) or row[prop] == "nan" or row[prop] == "NaN" or row[prop] == "" or row[prop] == "?": data.drop(index, inplace=True) count += 1 print("Remove", count, "instance missing values") return data def read_file(path): status("Reading file ...") try: reader = pd.read_csv(path, sep="=", skiprows=8, names=["column", "value"]) data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['country', 'name', 'longName', 'foundingDate', 'population', 'capital', 'largestCity', 'area']) i = 0 for index, row in reader.iterrows(): if row[0] == "country": i += 1 data.loc[i, row[0]] = row[1] return data except: print("File not found!") def write_file(path, data): status("Writing file ...") try: data.to_csv(path, index=False) except: print("Cannot write a file!") def main(args): data = read_file(args.input) if data is not None: data = remove_empty(data) data = remove_duplicate(data) data = convert_area(data) data = remove_missing("area", data) write_file(args.output, data) status("Finish!") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Preprocess data') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='input file path') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='output file path') args = parser.parse_args() main(args) |
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