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Ngô Tôn

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Home / Programming / C/C++ / Thay thế kí tự trong chuỗi

Thay thế kí tự trong chuỗi

Yêu cầu: Thay thế kí tự space trong chuỗi bằng kí tự khác

Thuật toán: duyệt từng phần tử và kiểm tra nếu là kí tự sapce, thay bằng kí tự khác.

/***************Replace space***********************/
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "string.h"

void repstr(char *str, char c);

void main()
char str[] = "ngo ton blog ";
char c = '+';
printf("original string: '%s'\n", str);
repstr(str, c);
printf("new string: '%s'\n", str);

Replace space by character c
void repstr(char *str, char c)
char *p = str;
while(*p != NULL)
if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
*p = c;

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About ngoton

Ngô Tôn is a programmer with passion for tailored software solutions. Comes with 7+ years of IT experience, to execute beautiful front-end experiences with secure and robust back-end solutions.

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